Hiroshima Peace would like to present "Hiroshima Memory of Atomic Bomb" that Hiroshima citizen experienced a miserable history of Atomic bomb. Japan would like to send it to worldwide hearts of many peaceful citizens as Advocators for Hiroshima Atomic Bomb. japan.atomic.bomb@gmail.com @Aug/6/2016, HAB
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
The Mushroom cloud became huge still after 20 minutes passed since the Hiroshima atomic bomb exploded
The Atomic Bomb was dropped in Hiroshima City, which exploded at 8:15AM on August 15, 1945. The Mushroom clouds are generated from the hypocenter of the Atomic Bomb and it covered almost Hiroshima City. The Mushroom clouds had been also enormous still after 20 minutes have passed since the explosion of the Atomic Bomb. The Mushroom cloud was photographed from the ground of Kaitaichi Town where existed near the Hiroshima City. It was caught from Kaichi Town about 10 km east from Hiroshima city. Kaitaichi Town, where was mostly settled from the sea and surrounded by three low mountains. Kaitaichi Town was an intersection point between Hiroshima and Kure military bases.